What is this Christmas tradition pointing to? When we peal back all these wrappings and trimmings and decorations and music and lights and food, the Guide says that what it is pointing to is birth.
From Pathwork lecture #219: “At this particular time, when the birth of Christ consciousness is celebrated, we shall talk about the event as it begins to take place. Of course, my dearest friends, you do know that this does not happen at once. It happens gradually, again and again. It occurs and is lost, recurs, and so on.
“Perhaps you can see the tree that you light as a symbol of many, many candles that have to be lit and be aflame within you, to bring the total consciousness to its eternal glow on the outer level of your manifest existence.
“Each recognition, each insight, each honest admission, each shedding of a partial mask, each breaking through of a defense, each step of courage and honesty where you take responsibility for your negativity, is a lighting of yet another candle.
“You bring light into your soul by bringing truth into your dark.”